The JLP marks International Women’s Day 2024

March 8 is International Women’s Day. International Women’s Day is recognized by the United Nations and marked across Canada to celebrate the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women. It is also a day to recognize that these achievements are hard won, hindered by the impact of sexism on women’s lives around the world.A Black woman speaks into a microphone

Sexism is not a monolith. Sexism can be subtle, can be nuanced, and is constantly at play in a wide variety of ways. Indigenous women, Black women, trans women, women with disabilities and women living in poverty all experience different flavours of sexism interlaced with other kinds of prejudice and social and institutionalized stigma. If we want to live in a world without sexism, we must work towards a world free of all forms of prejudice and oppression. 

Today, we acknowledge that no discrimination should be tolerated and that all forms of oppression intersect. Every person regardless of colour, disability, gender expression or sexuality has a right to live in a world free of discrimination.

Interested in exploring how sexism and intersectionality affect the workplace? The JLP offers a range of in-person workshops and virtual discussions that touch on the subject.


Photo by Wonderlane on