November 4, 2011
New Administrative Assistant for the Joint Learning Program
The Joint Learning Program welcomes Roxanne Mathieu as its new Administrative Assistant. Mrs Mathieu is in secondment from Fisheries and Oceans Canada to fill this position. She can be reached by phone at 613-560-2965 or by email
The Joint Learning Program at the Union of Customs and Immigration Triennial Convention
The Joint Learning Program (JLP) was present on October 22 at the Union of Customs and Immigration (CIU)Triennial Convention, which was held in Ottawa. Most participants stopped by the booth which was decorated with a Halloween theme for the occasion.

It is crowded at the JLP booth

Ron Moran, left, CIU Chair, was one of many visitors.
He is with Alex Roussakis, Regional Coordinator for the National Capital
Duty to Accommodate Pilot Sessions
The Joint Learning Program conducted four pilot sessions of the newly developed Duty to Accommodate (DTA) workshop during the months. They were held in Ottawa on June 13 and 14, Montreal on June 28 and 29, in Halifax on July 6 and 7, and in Vancouver on July 13 and 14. The pilot sessions were very successful and well attended. Close to 30 different departments participated as well as representative of the Public Service Alliance of Canada (PSAC). Nathalie Audet and Céline Préfontaine facilitated all of these sessions.
Based on the feedback received from the participants and the facilitators of the pilot sessions the DTA workshop is in its final stages of being completed and released. Stay tuned to know the launching date.
The DTA workshop will be delivered as a one-day workshop. The purpose of the workshop is to familiarize employees and managers with the meaning of duty to accommodate, the legal framework as well as the benefits of workplace accommodation for all employees working in the public service.
This workshop will also examine myths and realities associated with workplace accommodation and will help to define DTA as it pertains to the prohibited grounds under the Canadian Human Rights Act, the Employment Equity Act, case law and other relevant legislation.
The DTA workshop will be one of the six topics covered by the Joint Learning Program.

Participants at the Vancouver session