Mental Health in the Workplace Clinic

From November 1 to 3, 2016, the Quebec region held a Mental Health in the Workplace (MHW) clinic for its facilitators. This learning event was divided in two parts.

The first part of the clinic was for the facilitators’ certification in Mental Health First Aid (MHFA). The Mental Health Commission of Canada’s (MHCC) two-day training was provided by JLP Program Officer Patrick Dorval. The MHFA is a prerequisite for anyone wishing to facilitate the MHW workshop.

The MHFA training was followed by a session to introduce the facilitators to the content and methodology of the MHW kit. This one-day session was facilitated by Isabelle Bégin and Marie-Hélène Brosseau.

Madeleine Brunet, Isabelle Beaudoin, Marie-Eve Campaneli, Shaun Levesque, Nicolas Deshaies, Nathalie Huntley, Brigitte Heineman, Karen Cohen and Tasha McIntyre were participants in the MHFA session.  Marc Vallée, Annie Chapdeleine, France Vigneault, Nadjella Hyppolite, Claudia Dionne, Sonia Girard, Kieu Anh Phan, Julie Inkel, Marie-Eve Lapointe, Andrée Damphousse, Diane Doucet, Anne Langevin and Sonia Bellevue participated in both parts of the clinic.
