May first is May Day, International Workers’ Day

Seen from behind, a person at a rally holds a fist in the air. The 1st of May is marked in many countries across the world. It is often called International Workers' Day, Labour Day or May Day. On this day, workers around the world take to the streets and hold rallies to celebrate and recognize their collective bargaining power, solidarity and strength.

The work toward for a safer workplace is ongoing, in Canada and around the world.  In the immortal words of civil-rights activist Fannie Lou Hamer, “Nobody’s free until we are all free”. Workers of all kinds still risk being undercompensated for their labours and endangered in their place of work. And as technology and world events change our life experiences, they also impact our working conditions. An ever-changing world means that physical and psychological safety must always be a priority for workers united.

The Joint Learning Program’s (JLP) in-person workshops and virtual discussions are all designed to encourage conversations aimed at improving working conditions for all public-service employees. Understanding the Collective Agreement and Labour-Management Consultation are learning opportunities both available as in-person workshops or virtual discussions to foster discussions and better understanding between management, union representatives and employees. Recently, the JLP introduced a new Occupational Health and Safety two-day in-person training to support committee members in understanding their roles, and contributing to the enhancement of safer working environments.

The JLP is proud to play a role in improving the workplace for everybody in the federal public service.


Photo by Mélodie Descoubes on Unsplash