A JLP presence at the National Health and Safety Conference

On May 11 and 12, the Public Service Alliance of Canada (PSAC) held their 2024 National Health and Safety Policy Committee Forum in Ottawa. Participants were National Health and Safety Policy Committee PSAC representatives from across the country.

On the Saturday, Roxanne Lépine, JLP Co-Director (employer) and Michèle Parent, Regional Field Coordinator (union) for the National Capital Region hosted a JLP kiosk. An estimated 70 participants dropped by to chat and learn about the JLP’s offerings and the new Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) training.

Two women stand on either side of the JLP kiosk backdrop, smiling.

Roxanne Lépine (left) and Andrea Peart, PSAC National Health and Safety Officer, show off their JLP colours in front of the JLP kiosk.

Dominic Lavoie, JLP Program Manager, facilitated a session for the Forum on Saturday that guided participants in getting a better understanding of the governance structures, the decision-making processes, and the balances of power to achieve the greatest positive OHS impacts in the workplace within the existing legislative framework.

On Sunday, Roxanne joined Dominic for a presentation on the highlights of the JLP’s OHS training for committee members and representatives. In addition, participants experienced two activities from the workshop and were encouraged to sign up for upcoming offerings.  Participants were very excited by the prospect of having consistent OHS training for committee members across the Public Service.

It was a busy, informative and successful weekend for the JLP and for participants of the Forum as a whole!